daily. doings.

The daily doings of the H boys and their mama.

Lil G turns 2. May 20, 2011

Filed under: Adventures — sg @ 15:24

There has been an inexplicable lack of posts of late. Months! But I return with vigor!

Lil G is 2 today.

This just blows my mind. He’s gone from infant, to walking infant, the toddler, to… well, what he is now. A young boy intent on killing himself. Many new hobbies that I don’t approve of, including escaping the playground to head for strangers, mostly men, to hold their hands and babble stories of trains and cars, until I come to carry him back to where he is supposed to be, his wee heart breaking at the sound scolding he gets every time, only to turn around and do it again. You know, TWO YEARS OLD. Blergh.

I repainted the walls a few months ago, just white on white, but he’s taken to decorating them. With his crayons. And is frustrated with us for not providing more wall space. So he moves to the floor. Cabinets. The nice chairs.
He thinks that hunting our poor cats is the best thing ever. They disagree and have taken to hanging out… wherever he is not.

He is the most delightful child I’ve ever known, with a disposition so sunny we sometimes suspect he can’t possibly be mine. He laughs and grins, gets over the bad stuff quickly so he can move on to the good stuff. He plays really well by himself (I have changed my views a bit since N was this age, and it’s worked out really well) and with others, and is aching to start kindergarten (in the autumn, OMG, I am breathless with anticipation, is it autumn yet? What about now? And now?). He loathes his buggy, preferring to walk everywhere. So he can run his hands over walls, crouch down to touch grates and cars and chase pigeons. And talk to people. Talk to anyone who crosses his path.

He’s very bright, grasps what you’re talking about quickly, and is clear in his disobedience. He has in no way misunderstood, he’s just… not feeling it. And off he goes.

It just goes so fast, and my baby is getting so big!

Picture taken by Noah, who knows how to use Instagram. Which is a whole other ball of wax that blows my mind.